

What's it all about? Ummm, you can read the full LENGTHY explanation over at Blogger Buzz or you can read my SHORT summary after this. Hehe! Oh, you're still here? Guess you want the shorter version eh?? ;-)
"Following" will enable the blog author to know who reads or follows her blog. Also, the blog author herself can stay updated with her favorite blogs via this feature. And she can view all her fave blogs via the Blogger Dashboard (or Google Reader). Neat huh?? ^_^ There's also a widget that you can place in your blog to show off your "Followers". It's very much like MyBlogLog or BlogCatalog that shows you the blog's recent readers. The big difference is you can access all the information (number of followers, blogs you're following, etc) via the Blogger Dashboard. If you're a Blogger/Blogspot fanatic like me, you know how important it is to access anything and everything from the Dashboard. Thumbs up for this! ^_^

P.S. For a full list of Blogger/Blogspot features, check their official page HERE!

With good news to boot! I just passed my Physician Licensure examination guys!!! I'm a certified medical doctor already! ^_^ But of course, I still have a looong way to go -- another 3-4 years of 24-hour duties, exams, and another BIG exam at the end of it all. Whew! If I only knew that being a doctor was this hard, I would have gone the medical research way. All I ever wanted was to help the underprivileged, and not torture myself in the process (think literal sleepless days and nights, bone-weary body, meals not taken on time, etc, etc). But I guess, if you want something really bad, you gotta make sacrifices for it.. So here I am, praying that I'll survive the next few years!

Anyway, expect some making money online posts in the next few days =) For now, I'll leave you with some of dNeero's surveys. If you haven't joined dNeero yet, do so now! They have one survey worth $3! You only have to answer the survey, post it in your blog, and voila -- easy money! Payout is at $20 via Paypal, and I have been paid 3 times already. Just click on the lower part of the survey below ^_^ If you're new to this blog, check my moneymaking biz HERE. Happy earning!

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